At Guide a Genius we work with you to place your child in the TOP 1%

About Guide a Genius Founder and CEO

Dr M Alizadeh is the founder and CEO of Guide a Genius. Growing up, he spent his early years of education in Belgium before coming to the UK. To his surprise, whilst the Belgian education system promoted students to excel, he found the UK system was deliberately holding students back. Motivated to be the best he could, he tried to take on the challenge of pushing the limits in his own ways by completing 20 Level 2 qualifications such as GCSEs, IGCSEs, O levels and FSMQs in which he was able to achieve 14 A*s and 6As with A*A*Aa*a in his A levels + EPQ. Beyond this, he did everything he could to build his skills outside academia by being an active member of the community through volunteering, joining the local sports club and winning several awards both inside and outside his school. Dr Alizadeh dreams of helping students excel just like he did and achieve so much more in than what the UK education system limits them to.

Choose Your Child's Future

Unlock Your Full Potential

While school is a great place to learn and develop many important skills, we believe many children fail to reach their full potential there. School will work and teach at the pace of the slowest student which in many cases limits the heights the other students can reach. At Guide a Genius we believe those who have the ability to excel should not be withheld from doing so and our goal is to support these students in reaching their full potential.

Holistic Approach

At Guide a Genius we believe to be amongst the best, you need much more than just academia and grades under your belt. We understand that true success and fulfilment come from developing a well-rounded set of skills, abilities, and personal qualities. That is why our focus is not just on academia but to support your child to become the all-rounded genius we know they have the potential for.

Become The Best

While we do not have any direct affiliations with the individuals mentioned below, we believe it is important to showcase their remarkable achievements in order to illustrate the potential heights that your child can attain:

These exceptional students serve as inspirations by demonstrating that they did not allow the confines of traditional education to hinder their accomplishments. While each of the aforementioned individuals has made a lasting impact in their respective fields, here at Guide a Genius, we aspire to achieve even greater milestones.

How it works

It's simple, get in touch with a member of the team and set up a meeting to discuss pricing of plans and which plan suits your child best to help them achieve their dreams.

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